
Can Someone Really Walk Away With Your Business?

Steps to Take to Prevent IP Theft and                    
Protect Proprietary Workplace Information

By: Attorney Steven Rosenberg

Thanks to the latest technology such as Smartphones and laptops, it has never been easier for employees, whether intentionally or inadvertently, to walk away from their workplace with valuable, confidential information.  And if this proprietary information gets into the wrong hands, the results can be devastating to a business’s success and survival in a competitive marketplace.

Marital issues, money shortages and a need to "get ahead" are some of the reasons employees say they stole money or valuable information from an employer, according to one recent survey. 


SHHHHH! IT’S A SECRET-Does your workplace have a Confidentiality Agreement?

What Every Employee and Employer Needs to Know About
Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Workplace Agreements

By: Atty. Steve Rosenberg 

When you think of company secrets, you perhaps think of a defense contractor building high-tech laser guided weapons.  But the accounting firm down the street, the local hair salon, and even your trusty auto mechanic all possess secret or confidential information that it may want to protect.  Not many people realize that something as simple and rudimentary as a business’ customer or client list, can be considered secret or confidential information.  “Protected Information” can vary from employer to employer.  Consequently, it is important for every employee to understand exactly what information is considered “protected” in their particular workplace.

Whether you work for a Fortune 500 company or a small “mom


SUMMER HELP WANTED- Some advice to protect yourself or your business.

Hiring the neighborhood kid to mow your lawn or help out around the office? 
Advice every homeowner or business should consider before hiring a minor
By: Atty. Steve Rosenberg 

Hiring the neighborhood kid to come over and mow your lawn every week may sound like a great idea for both you and the neighbor; but be careful before you hire a teenager to perform even the simplest of tasks.  If you are hiring someone under the age of 18 for a job around the home or a workplace, there are some important things you need to be aware of.    
You would be amazed at the type of cases which homeowners have been sued over even when they thought they were doing the right thing.


Stop…Think…Then Post!

Social Media in the Workplace

Some Advice Before Hitting "Send"

By Attorney Michelle F. Rosenberg

Just about everyone does it.  

As ownership and use of smartphones and tablets increase, so does the “at the workplace” use of social media venues such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, just to name a few.  Unfortunately, many employees visit and post on these social media platforms, using company property and during company time, without regard for whether or not their employer has any social media policies in place restricting or prohibiting such behavior.


Time to Dust off the Cobwebs on Those Important Legal Documents

Practical Steps for a "Legal Inventory" During Legal Spring Cleaning Time
By: Atty. Steven Rosenberg

For many of us, spring indicates a time of  renewal and getting a new start.  
Taking the squeegee to the outside windows and turning over the mattress are just some of the physical spring cleaning chores at my house. 

But this time of the year should also be used for a more important cleaning than just chasing after those cobwebs in the corner. It is time to dust off those cobwebs on every legal document and legal-based plans in your life.  Every person and/or business owner reading this should use spring to review and update the legal documents that govern their business or personal life.  Just like life, laws change and your legal matters must be up-to-date to reflect these changes or the results could be less than optimal.

We’ve put together a checklist of some of the legal “to do’s” for individuals, families and business owners. So wipe off those cobwebs from those legal documents and let's do a legal inventory:


Where There’s A Will…..

Even If You Have a Will, You Might Want to Read This

 By: Atty. Michelle F. Rosenberg

Many of us are reluctant to think about the consequences of our own demise; and although most people are aware that it is a good idea to have at least a Will in place in the event the inevitable occurs unexpectedly, surprisingly, less than 35% of adult Americans report actually having a Will

Likewise, many who have a Will, may not know that after a life changing event like a divorce, their Will may not be legally binding. 

Without a Will, the estate of the deceased passes to the heirs via the state’s intestacy statutes (in Massachusetts, General Laws, c. 190B, §2-101 et. seq.).  The result is higher estate tax consequences, as well as an outcome which  may not only fail to fully protect and provide for the loved ones left behind, but which may also be vastly different from what the deceased intended. 


It's A Dog's Life

The Battle Over "Fido" Becomes More Common

It was the mid 1980’s.  I had recently begun a new job at a small firm that handled a lot of divorce cases when my employer approached me about arguing a motion involving custody and visitation for a five year old named Max.  Thrilled to be given such an important responsibility so early in my career with that firm, I jumped at the chance.

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Then I looked at the case file.  Max was not a five year old boy; Max was a five year old beagle, whose owners were divorcing and were at odds regarding where Max should live post-divorce.

As far-fetched as it may seem, “custody” of the family pet is becoming an increasingly common issue in divorce cases.   In recent years, pets have achieved a status within the family unit that was previously unheard of.  While a generation ago, families may have formed “attachments” to their pets, today, it is not uncommon for pets to be considered actual “members” of the family, much the way children are – especially in families where the couple is either childless, or has children who are grown and have moved away.